Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process

  1. CIRP Process

  2. NCLT Order-IRP Appointment

  3. NCLT Order-Commencement of CIRP

  4. NCLT order_AR appointment for Form CA

  5. FAQs

  6. List of workmen and employees or from their authorised representative

  7. BS English- Advt. of EOI

  8. BS Hindi-Advt. of EOI

  9. Agenda for e- voting (2nd COC)

  10. claim calculation Methology

  11. Provisional_list_of_Resolution_Applicant

  12. Final List of Prospective Resolution Applicants

  13. Form D – List of workmen and employees upto 12.01.2019

  14. Undertaking for Receipt of Liquidation Value

  15. Form B- List of operational creditor upto 11.03.2019

  16. COC Form C till 25.04.2019

  17. Claim till 07072020 C List

  18. COC Form CA till 25.04.2019

  19. Claims_CA_List_12.05.2023